Pompa Celup atau biasa dikenal istilah Booster Pumps merupakan pompa yang sangat cock untuk keperluan rumah tangga.Digunakan untuk menyedot genangan air, sirkulasi kolam ikan, taman, air mancur,air terjun dan penguras bak penampungan air bersih.Keunggulan Pompa ini : – Motor dapat bekerja dalam arus listrik yang rendah – Anti Karat – Tahan Bocor – Ringan dan Mudah dibawa.
- Daya Listrik : 80 watt
- Daya Start Listik : 160 watt
- Daya Dorong : 4.5m
- Debit Air : 40 liter
- Outlet : 3/4 inch
- Otomatis : NOL
- Arus Maksimal (Ampere) : 0.5
- Head Maks (m) : 3.9
- Head (m) : 2
- Kapasitas (lpm) : 36
- Diameter pipa (inch) : 3/4
- Dimensi (pxlxt)(mm) : 140x160x270
- Berat(kg) : 3.4
- Motor dapat bekerja dalam arus listrik ysng rendah
- Anti karat
- Tahan Bocor
- Ringan dan mudah dibawa
- Tangguh walaupun dibebani muatan penuh
Mengapa dikenal dengan istilah SB Pumps ?
SB Pumps adalah pompa pendorong submersible yang dirancang untuk memompa air bersih untuk aplikasi rumah tangga dan air hujan . Pompa ini tidak berisik ketika terendam dan karena itu merupakan alternatif tanpa suara ke permukaan pompa dipasang.
SB dibuat dari bahan komposit yang berkualitas tinggi dan bahan stainless steel yang tahan terhadap korosi. SB sangat ideal untuk pengoperasian didalam sumur atau ground tank, karena dapat mencegah partikel padat memasuki pompa dengan mudah. Pompa ini memiliki float switch optional untuk start / stop otomatis pada pengoperasian pompa dan memberikan perlindungan Dry Running.
Pompa ini memiliki Fitur sebagai berikut :
1. Pengoperasian Rendah Suara : Pompa SB tidak mengeluarkan suara ketika terendam
2. Desain Kokoh : Pompa SB dibuat dari bahan stainless steel dan komposit yang tahan terhadap korosi
3. Thermal Overload Protection : Model fase tunggal secara efektif dilindungi terhadap setiap kelebihan beban akibat kecelakaan lalu dilengkapi dengan Thermal Protection.
4. Dry Running Protection : Pompa SB dilindungi dari Dry Running Protection(Kekurangan pasokkan air) dengan sistem float switch (pelampung air otomatis)
5. Pengoperasian Secara Otomatis : Flow Switch (saklar otomatis) untuk pompa SB memastikan pengoperasian secara otomatis dengan menggunakan level air didalam tangki
- Ukuran maksimal partikel : 1mm
- Suhu cairan : 0’c sampai +40’c
- Suhu lingkungan : Max +50’c
- Kisaran kadar PH : 4-9
- Tegangan Listrik : 1×220-240V,50Hz
- Kelas Proteksi Elektrik : IP68
- Kedalaman Instlasi maksimal : 10m
- Sertifikasi dan simbol : CE,EAC,UL,CSA,C-Tick
Pompa submersible adalah jenis pompa air yang dirancang khusus karena diletakkan didalam cairan dan mendorong cairan melalui pipa salurannya untuk menuju ke permukaan. Penggunaan pompa ini lebih sering pada sebuah proyek besar seperti industri maupun bangunan bangunan besar dan tinggi yang memerlukan pasokan
debit air berskala besar.
Prinsip kerja pompa submersible ialah dengan impeller yang diputar dengan kecepatan rotasi yang sangat tinggi sehingga mengalami gaya sentrifugal. Karena pada dasarnya pompa ini juga merupakan pompa sentrifugal multistage yang dioperasikan secara vertical.
Pompa submersible tidak memiliki spesifikasi daya hisap selayaknya model pompa air permukaan, ia hanya memiliki kapasitas total head (meter) dan power yang di ukur dengan satuan (pk) serta kapasitas debit air yang menggunakan satuan liter per detik (l/sec).
Beberapa hal yang perlu diperhatikan tentang cara pengoperasian pompa Submersible adalah sebagai berikut :
- Suhu air yang dipompakan tidak boleh lebih dari 40 º C.
- Arah rotasi pompa harus benar sebab jika tidak, akan berakibat kapasitas pompa akan berkurang dan motor akan kelebihan beban.
- Penggunaan handle pengangkat untuk mengangkat pompa. Jangan mengangkat pompa ini dengan mempergunakan selang atau kabel power yang terpasang.
- Jika pemasangan seperti pada kode “S” hindari dari tanah yang lunak dan usahakan diberi ganjal atau digantungkan sedikit diatas dasar.
- Apabila pompa telah bekerja pada air yang sudah terkontaminasi biarkan pompa bekerja untuk priode yang singkat di air bersih atau siram dengan air yang bersih diseluruh sambungan tempat pembuangan. Sebab apabila tertinggal di pompa berupa tanah liat, semen dan lainnya yang sejenis jika sudah kering akan berakibat pompa tidak dapat bekerja.
- Apabila pompa akan tetap dipakai untuk suatu jangka waktu tertentu maka perlu disimpan pada gudang yang kering.
Keuntungan menggunakan Pompa Submersible :
- Daya listrik lebih rendah.
- Debit air lebih besar.
- Pipa hisap menggunakan 1 tangkai ( berbeda dengan jetpump).
- Tidak memakan tempat.
- Tidak berisik.
- Suhu cairan: 3 – 40 ° C, maks. 60 ° C selama 3 menit
- Bagian bebas: 50/65/80 mm
- Maks. Kedalaman perendaman: 20 m Panjang kabel: 10 m
- Sambungan utama 1-230V,50 Hz atau 3 ~ 400 V, 50 Hz
- Mode operasi immersed: S1
- Mode operasi non- immersed S2-15 menit; S3 25%
- Kelas Perlindungan IP 68
- Kelas Isolasi : F
Unilift KP pumps are submersible drainage pumps for pumping drain water or grey wastewater. The KP is suitable for both temporary and permanent free-standing installation or installation in collecting tanks.
All Unilift KP pumps can be supplied with or without a level switch for automatic or manual operation. The strainer is clipped onto the pump housing and can easily be removed for cleaning and maintenance.
The Grundfos Unilift KP pumps are designed for the pumping of:
- Water from rivers and lakes
- Rainwater, drainage water and water from flooding
- Water for filling/emptying containers, ponds, tanks, etc.
- Effluents from showers, washing machines and sinks below sewer level
- Pool water
- Ditch drainage water
- Lowering groundwater
- Domestic effluents from septic and sludge-treating systems
- Effluents from viaducts, underpasses, etc
PT. Andalan Inti Rekatama – GRUNDFOS Authorized Dealer – Service Partner
Grundfos SP submersible pumps are renowned for their high efficiency and reliability throughout the range. Made entirely of corrosion-resistant stainless steel, SP pumps are ideal for a wide variety of applications.
The pumps are suitable for:
- Groundwater supply to waterworks
- Irrigation in horticulture and agriculture
- Groundwater lowering
- Pressure boosting
- Industrial applications
The SB and SBA pump is a submersible booster pump for the pumping of clean water. It is especially suitable for rainwater applications and private wells. The pump is available in two versions:
The Grundfos SB is a submersible pump for the pumping of clean water. It is designed for use in domestic applications. The pump itself is very silent, and when installed underground in a rainwater collecting tank or well, noise will never become an issue. The SB pump requires an external controller, like Pressure Manager, for automatic operation.
Features and benefits
- Flexible selection – Pump + controller
- Complete control and monitoring
- Easily accessible controller – for service & replacement
The new Grundfos SBA is a complete all-in-one unit. It is built on the proven SB platform, but comes with an integrated control unit – eliminating the need for an external pump controller.
The SBA is literally a plug- and pump solution. Once installed and connected to the piping, all you need to do is switch on the pump.
Features and benefits
- Easy selection – one unit
- Easy installation – one unit
- Flexible installation – no controller inside the house
All SB and SBA pumps are available in two main variants
- With integrated suction strainer (1 mm mesh)
- Or with side inlet/flexible suction hose with floating suction strainer (1 mm mesh).
All variants are available with or without float switch:
The float switch offers automatic operation and dryrun protection, stop at low water level, ensuring that surface fragments do not enter the strainer.
The SB and SBA pump is a submersible booster pump for the pumping of clean water. It is especially suitable for rainwater applications.
Features and benefits
- Noiseless operation
- High reliability
- Integrated protection.
- Floating suction strainer
The model with floating suction strainer always draws the water from just below the water surface where the water is clean and free from solid particles.
Additional features of the SBA:
- Simplicity – all-in-one unit
- Easy installation – no external control unit
- Integrated dry-running protection
- Automatic restart after dry-running
- Lifting eye
PT. Andalan Inti Rekatama – GRUNDFOS Authorized Dealer – Service Partner LEADER Pump
Unilift KP pumps are submersible drainage pumps suitable for both temporary and permanent free-standing installation. They can be used for pumping drain water or grey wastewater. They are also suitable for installation in collecting tanks.
The Unilift KP is a single-stage drainage pump with semi-open impeller, designed for the pumping of drain water and grey wastewater. All Unilift KP pumps can be supplied with or without a level switch. The variants are designated as A, AV or M, for automatic or manual operation. The Unilift KP-AV variant for narrow pits is supplied with a non-return flap valve for installation in the outlet. The strainer is clipped onto the pump housing.
The Unilift KP. Single-stage, submersible, stainless steel drainage pump in a robust design with upward-pointing discharge port positioned on the top of the pump.The outer casing is made in one piece. The mains cable and the cable of the level switch are both connected to a single, vulcanized, water-tight plug which is inserted in a socket on the hermetically-sealed stator housing. The motor is a single- or three-phase synchronous canned motor with liquid-filled rotor chamber and water-lubricated bearings.
The motor is cooled by the pumped liquid flowing around it.
- Enclosure class: IP 68
- Insulation class: F
The motor incorporates automatic overload protection which cuts out the motor in the event of overload. When it has cooled to normal temperature, the motor restarts automatically.
The Grundfos Unilift KP pumps are designed for the pumping of:
- Water and rainwater in horticulture
- Water from rivers and lakes
- Rainwater, drainage water and water from flooding
- Water for filling/emptying containers, ponds, tanks, etc.
- Effluents from showers, washing machines and sinks below sewer level
- Pool water
- Ditch drainage water
- Groundwater (lowering applications)
- Domestic effluents from septic and sludge-treating systems
- Effluents from viaducts, underpasses, etc.
- Drainage water from garage sprinkler systems.
PT. Andalan Inti Rekatama – GRUNDFOS Authorized Dealer – Service Partner
Grundfos SP submersible pumps are renowned for their high efficiency and reliability throughout the range. Made entirely of corrosion-resistant stainless steel, SP pumps are ideal for a wide variety of applications.
Grundfos SP pumps represent state-of-the-art hydraulic design. Built to deliver optimum efficiency during periods of high demand, the SP pumps provide low long-term costs and high operating reliability regardless of the application.
The Grundfos SP range offers high efficiency, high resistance to sand and other abrasives, motor burnout protection, and easy maintenance. A complete monitoring and control system is available for constant optimisation of the pumping system.
The pumps are suitable for:
- Groundwater supply to waterworks
- Irrigation in horticulture and agriculture
- Groundwater lowering
- Pressure boosting
- Industrial applications.
Features and benefits
- State-of-the-art hydraulics provide high efficiency and low operating costs
- 100 % stainless steel inside and outside
- Sand resistant
- Resistant to aggressive water
- Motor burnout protection
- Dry-running protection
- Monitoring, protection and communication via the MP 204 protection unit and the R100 remote control.
PT. Andalan Inti Rekatama – GRUNDFOS Authorized Dealer – Service Partner
Unilift KP pumps are submersible drainage pumps suitable for both temporary and permanent free-standing installation. They can be used for pumping drain water or grey wastewater. They are also suitable for installation in collecting tanks.
The Unilift KP is a single-stage drainage pump with semi-open impeller, designed for the pumping of drain water and grey wastewater. All Unilift KP pumps can be supplied with or without a level switch. The variants are designated as A, AV or M, for automatic or manual operation. The Unilift KP-AV variant for narrow pits is supplied with a non-return flap valve for installation in the outlet. The strainer is clipped onto the pump housing.
The Unilift KP. Single-stage, submersible, stainless steel drainage pump in a robust design with upward-pointing discharge port positioned on the top of the pump.The outer casing is made in one piece. The mains cable and the cable of the level switch are both connected to a single, vulcanized, water-tight plug which is inserted in a socket on the hermetically-sealed stator housing. The motor is a single- or three-phase synchronous canned motor with liquid-filled rotor chamber and water-lubricated bearings.
The motor is cooled by the pumped liquid flowing around it.
- Enclosure class: IP 68
- Insulation class: F
The motor incorporates automatic overload protection which cuts out the motor in the event of overload. When it has cooled to normal temperature, the motor restarts automatically.
The Grundfos Unilift KP pumps are designed for the pumping of:
- Water and rainwater in horticulture
- Water from rivers and lakes
- Rainwater, drainage water and water from flooding
- Water for filling/emptying containers, ponds, tanks, etc.
- Effluents from showers, washing machines and sinks below sewer level
- Pool water
- Ditch drainage water
- Groundwater (lowering applications)
- Domestic effluents from septic and sludge-treating systems
- Effluents from viaducts, underpasses, etc.
- Drainage water from garage sprinkler systems.
PT. Andalan Inti Rekatama – GRUNDFOS Authorized Dealer – Service Partner LEADER Pump
Unilift KP pumps are submersible drainage pumps suitable for both temporary and permanent free-standing installation. They can be used for pumping drain water or grey wastewater. They are also suitable for installation in collecting tanks.
The Unilift KP is a single-stage drainage pump with semi-open impeller, designed for the pumping of drain water and grey wastewater. All Unilift KP pumps can be supplied with or without a level switch. The variants are designated as A, AV or M, for automatic or manual operation. The Unilift KP-AV variant for narrow pits is supplied with a non-return flap valve for installation in the outlet. The strainer is clipped onto the pump housing.
The Unilift KP. Single-stage, submersible, stainless steel drainage pump in a robust design with upward-pointing discharge port positioned on the top of the pump.The outer casing is made in one piece. The mains cable and the cable of the level switch are both connected to a single, vulcanized, water-tight plug which is inserted in a socket on the hermetically-sealed stator housing. The motor is a single- or three-phase synchronous canned motor with liquid-filled rotor chamber and water-lubricated bearings.
The motor is cooled by the pumped liquid flowing around it.
- Enclosure class: IP 68
- Insulation class: F
The motor incorporates automatic overload protection which cuts out the motor in the event of overload. When it has cooled to normal temperature, the motor restarts automatically.
The Grundfos Unilift KP pumps are designed for the pumping of:
- Water and rainwater in horticulture
- Water from rivers and lakes
- Rainwater, drainage water and water from flooding
- Water for filling/emptying containers, ponds, tanks, etc.
- Effluents from showers, washing machines and sinks below sewer level
- Pool water
- Ditch drainage water
- Groundwater (lowering applications)
- Domestic effluents from septic and sludge-treating systems
- Effluents from viaducts, underpasses, etc.
- Drainage water from garage sprinkler systems.
PT. Andalan Inti Rekatama – GRUNDFOS Authorized Dealer – Service Partner